Frequently Asked Questions

  • Health and Wellness mean different things to different people, but here’s a couple of ‘official’ definitions:

    "...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." - The World Health Organization

    "a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential." - The National Wellness Institute Coaching

  • These health coaching calls helps you to connects the dots between where your health is now and where you’d like it to be. During these call we will cover a number of different area - Coaching is transformative process that helps encourage and facilitate growth - It supporting individuals to overcome obstacles which arise during the change process, enabling them to make big changes to their life and supporting them to achieve their goals.

    • Identify where you health is now and where you want to be

    • Break through the key obstacles which are preventing you from reaching your goal

    • Tackle obstacles and barriers together with effective strategies and tools which work for YOU

    • Set small and manageable weekly steps for you to work towards, allowing you to reach your goal without feelings of being overwhelmed.

    • Implement new, realistic, and achievable daily habits which you enjoy

    • Move your body and find fun in exercise so that it doesn’t feel like ‘another chore’

    • Increase your self-confidence, gain momentum, and propel yourself forward to reach your GOAL!

  • A therapist tends to look back into ones past and are trained to discuss potential traumas which may have occurr during your life. A Health coach focuses on looking forward towards the future and less on past experiences.

  • Our Walk & Talk coaching sessions are conducted via the phone whilst you are outside walking. This is not only to you to become more active throughout your day, but enable you get the positive benefits that walking and nature brings at the same time. The calls usually go for 60 minutes, but if you can only manage 20-30mins of walking this is absoultley fine, you do whatever feels good for you, even 10 mins of fresh air and walking will give you benefits.

    During the walk I will be coaching you, asking you certain questions in order to help move you forwards both physically and mentally towards your health goal. The phone call can either be conducted directly through phone handset or some clients find it easier doing it via headphones.

  • If any of the following apply to you my coaching will help benefit you.

    • Want to make drastic lifestyle changes.

    • Want to improve your health and create a more balanced lifestyle.

    • Lack, organisation, structure, and routine in your day.

    • Want to feel more confident and in control.

    • Empathetic, compassionate environment.

    • Want a comfortable, non intimidating and judgement free environment to begin moving your body more.

    • Want to implement healthy habits/new behaviours into your life but don’t know how to make them last.

    • Have low energy levels.

    • Feel overworked and burnt out.

    • Lack of understanding/confidence with your food choices.

    • Unmotivated

    • Lacking self belief.

    • Feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

    • Need guidance, support, motivation, inspiration and accountability.

    • Firstly, we identifying exactly what you want to achieve in regards to your health & well-being. We will then work together to help you create a vision and clear pathway in order to get there.

    • Bring awareness and identify the habits which are steering your towards your goal and those which are throwing you off course.

    • Learn how to set yourself achievable goals in order to reach your vision in an easy, manageable way.

    • Identify and break old habits which aren’t serving you and learn how to create new ones which last.

    • Support to help you stay on track, strengthening your ability to problem solve. Learn new tools and put strategies in place in order to overcome both the physical & emotional barriers that arise throughout the change process.

    • Learning how to overcome set backs so they don’t knock you completely off track.

    • Learn the importance of planning and scheduling. Offering guidance and support with organisation and preparing your week to enable you to get the best results possible.

    • Support you to begin moving your body in a supportive environment without judgement.

    • My coaching isn’t for anyone looking for quick, drastic weight loss. I am passionate about helping women become a happier, healthier version of themselves and beleive the quality of our health is not dictated by our weight. My coaching style takes the focus AWAY from it being solely fat loss and encourage postive behavioural changes that will positively impact all aspects of your wellbeing. Change which are HEALTHY and SUSTAINABLE though takes time-, you need to be patient and trust the journey.

    • If you are not willing or ready to make changes to your habits.

    • If you are unable to commit to being punctual and being fully present in your coaching sessions.

    • If you are not open minded to trying different ideas, tools, techniques.

    • If you are not prepare to dedicate the time and effort needed to make changes.

  • Absolutely,hanks to the wonders of technology, I get to work with clients all over Australia.

  • Most definitely, I work with ladies from all over the world and we find a suitable time that works for both of us with the time difference.

  • ’m a warm, friendly, caring & compassionate person, offering a comfortable, non-intimidating, non-judgmental environment for ladies who are wanting to make positive changes towards their health. We are all individual and unique so there is no one size fits all process with coaching. This process is highly individualised to each client I work with.

    My role as your coach isn’t to dictate to you what I think you should do - I believe you know your life best and therefore know what the right first step is for your life & in this present moment. I am here to steer you in the right direction and potentially question some of your choices, offering suggestions/advice if I feel necessary or asked.

    I am here to be your friend, guide, support, voice to hear you & your biggest motivator. Keeping you accountable & helping you stay on track for success.

  • I would love for you to book in for a free call and lets chat and see if we are the right fit for each other.


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