Welcome to my world of simplified health and fitness, where your well-being takes centre stage.

Hello, I’m Amy,

Life as a mum can be chaotic right?  There is never enough time in the day. You often wonder how other Mums find the time to work, exercise, cook homemade meals, run a household, be a great friend, loving partner, calm patient mum?

What if I told you 
there way a way, BUT it involves a huge dose of self compassion, ditching the all or nothing mindset and taking small, but powerful steps on a dailyish basis.

My approach is not about “bouncing back” or setting unrealistic goals, It's about finding the little ways for you to nourish your body and mind building achievable and sustainable habits that leave you feeling good, inside and out.

Because these small, yet mighty habits are what compound, allowing you to reach your health goal, and
live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life free from crash diets.

My mission is to help mothers thrive in motherhood, not just survive it - To be the Fit, Strong and Healthy mum you want to be.

Happy Healthy mum in Perth
  • You're longing to feel confident about your body,
    to be able to look in the mirror and like your reflection.

  • To have the fitness and energy to able to run after your kids.

  • Have more patience to deal with the meltdowns and not feel so snappy.

  • Have more mental capacity and not feel like a pressure cooker about to erupt 24/7.

  • To be comfortable in your skin and able to catch up with friends with confidence, rather than fear of judgement.

  • Most importantly, to finally starting caring for your own needs and feel more like YOU again.

Well, guess what? You've come to the right place!

I'm here to show you is totally possible!

Healthy Nutrition
Fitness equipment icon

Accountability & Support

I’m here to be your coach, friend and biggest cheerleader holding your hand along the way so you never have to feel alone.

Personalised Coaching

I'll work with you to create a plan that's tailored to your individual needs and goals.


I'll work with you to create a plan that's tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Kettle Bell for Workout


I’m here to be your coach, friend and biggest cheerleader holding your hand along the way so you never have to feel alone.



You’ll become a fitter, healthier, stronger, more energised and confident woman & renewed mindset to stay on track

Weekly Check-ins

You’ll become a fitter, healthier, stronger, more energised and confident woman & renewed

Let’s find a way to work together

Meet Amy.

Hi there! I'm Amy, your personal trainer, health coach, and soon-to-be registered nutritionist.

I'm passionate about helping you navigate the often confusing world of health and fitness. With my qualifications in pre and postnatal fitness and my ongoing studies in evidence-based nutrition, I'm dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date and reliable information to support your well-being journey.

I know it can be tough to find clear and trustworthy advice amidst the overwhelming flood of health information online. That's why I aim to cut through the noise and offer you clarity, guidance, and support.

Beyond qualifications, I bring a value-driven approach and a foundation in positive psychology to our work together. I believe in meeting you where you are in your journey and helping you move towards your goals in a way that feels positive and sustainable.

As a mum of two little ones myself, I understand the unique challenges of balancing motherhood with self-care. I've also been on my own journey to overcome fitness struggles, negative body image, and an unhealthy relationship with food.

Today, I'm happy to say that I've found a place of balance and positivity. I no longer view exercise as punishment or food as something to be feared. Instead, I enjoy movement in all its forms and embrace a healthy, balanced diet without guilt.

My journey taught me that sustainable change takes time, dedication, and support. I'm here to offer all three, helping you achieve your goals and live your healthiest life.