A 6 week heath & fitness program helping depleted mums build healthy habits and prioritise their health again.

Ready to feel Fitter, Stronger & THRIVE!

Let's dive into what this program is about and how it will change your life.

Introducing Thrive in 6 – your all-in-one solution to reclaiming your health and vitality, designed especially for busy mums who've juggled everything except their own well-being for far too long.

This isn't your typical fitness program that leaves you feeling restricted or overwhelmed. Instead, it's a 6-week journey crafted to fit seamlessly into your chaotic schedule, providing you with the tools and support you need to prioritise self-care without sacrificing precious time with your family.

Unlike other programs that focus solely on the number on the scale, Thrive in 6 is about helping you FEEL your best, inside and out. While fat loss is certainly achievable during our time together, it's not our primary focus. Instead, we'll work together to cultivate sustainable habits that will serve you well beyond the 6 weeks – because long-term health and happiness are what truly matter.

Thrive in 6 offers everything you need to succeed, from Weekly Personalised training sessions, Access to at home workouts, nutrition education and guidance to mindset coaching and round-the-clock support 24/7 for 6 weeks so whatever barriers, wobbles or challenges you may come up against, I’ll be here to navigate through it and not give up.

Unlike many online programs that leave you feeling disconnected and lost in the crowd, our in-person sessions provide a personal touch that is essential for lasting change.

In my opinion, investing in yourself and finding the right coach to guide you on your journey is invaluable

What is it?

Who is it for?

If any of these sounds like you then you are in the right place. Are you :

  • Constantly rushing around for everyone else but neglecting your own health?

  • Waking up exhausted and feel depleted before the day has even begun?

  • You are grabbing convience food on the go, making do with the leftover kid scraps or missing meals entirely, only then to find yourself overeating at night.

  • You are tired of feeling uncomfortable in your body and not having any clothes you feel confident in.

  • Feel resentful and snappy with your loved because you never get time to do something for you.

  • Sick of yo-yo dieting and thinking about what you should and shouldn’t be eating - you want something sustainable, something that doesn't feel like a diet.

You WANT to -

Feel healthier, have the energy to run and play with your kids effortlessly, swim with them without fear of judgment, and be a positive, healthy role model for them to look up to.

How many fitness programs have you signed up to but never finished? - A generic plan just doesn’t work for your lifestyle.

How many times have you signed up to the local gym or fitness class, but found yourself not going?

This happens ALL the time, It’s very easy to talk yourself out of exercise when you don’t have the support or accountability.

How many times have you tried another diet, only for it to last 1 week or 2?

Having me by your side gives you the ability to soundboard things off in the moment - get evidence-based advice and focus on the thing that matter.
This prevents you from wasting time, money and both mental and physical energy on supplements, diets, detoxes and things that don’t matter.

With our weekly Personal training training session, weekly check-ins, voice notes, 24/7 support 60 min coaching call, and accountability, you can receive a tailored plan that works for you lifestyle so you can succeed.

This personalised approach does comes with a higher price tag, but this level of support, in my opinion is the CRUCIAL thing you have been missing all the other times, b

What you get -

  • 1:1 Personal Training - valued at $300

    Enjoy a weekly 1:1 personalised training session from my home gym in Kingsley, WA. 100% Kid friendly. Or, choose to do this from the comfort of your own home (without childcare hassles!) and train online with me via Zoom.

  • Sustainable Nutrition

    Lear how to nourish your body WITHOUT restriction. Get personalised nutrition targets, calorie targets (optional) and support to help you make healthier choices without restrictive diets.

  • Daily Habit tracker

    Stay accountable with a daily habit tracker to keep you motivated and on track.

  • Weekly Checkin's

    As well as weekly 1:1 checkins, you will also have access to a LIVE group checkins each week. Here we can track your progress, answer your questions, and help you overcome any obstacles that come your way.

  • Home Workouts

    Access to two 30 minute online workouts each week so that you can exercise the familiar space of your home - you won’t need to take the kids anywhere or find a sitter while you do something that’s good for you.

  • 60 Minute Coaching call - valued at $120

    Health is about much more than losing weight. In includes better sleep, energy, nutrition, exercise, stress levels, mental wellbeing. During this 60 minute call we will deep dive into your unique circumstances and create a simple to follow road map to enable you to reach your goal and feel your best.

  • Accountability

    Thrive in 6 prioritises accountability. We're here to support, hold your accountable and guide you every step of the way.

  • Unlimited support - Invaluable!

    Unlimited WhatsApp Support: I'm here for you offering support, guidance, and to have someone to hear your struggles and celebrate your wins whenever you need - 7 days a week.

  • Community support

    Connect with other like minded mums on a mission to improve their health. Share your experiences, and find encouragement in a supportive online space.

How much is it?

A typical personal trainer at a gym charges between $90 - $100 per hour.
This often doesn't include them providing you with nutrition advice, support around behaviour change & mindset, accountability or having the ability to reach out to them when you really need them - when you are struggling, instead you have to wait until your next PT.

With Thrive in 6, you literally get me, your very own coach in your back pocket 24/7, 7 days a week - I’m there right by your side, ready to help, encourage and support you through any obstacles and wobbles, so you never feel alone.

You get all this and so much more for just
$75 per week, or $40 per week for everything except the 1:1 PT sessions.

I know you may have some hesitations, which is why I also offer a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

What Sets Thrive in 6 Apart From Other Plans?

Have you ever tried a health and fitness program only to end up feeling like a failure?

You're not alone.

We all know the struggle. You start a new program with the best intentions, but then life gets busy, motivation fades, and progress stalls.

But with Thrive in 6, you don’t have a lengthy 3-month commitment, this program is just 6 weeks – a more manageable timeframe for busy mums. It's time to make real progress without the overwhelm.

Other programs often set
unrealistic expectations and dictate what you should or shouldn't do, leaving you feeling defeated when you can't keep up. But here's the truth: You're not a failure – your plan failed you.

Motherhood brings its own unpredictable challenges. With kids in the picture, even the best-laid plans can go out the window in an instant. That's why you need a flexible approach to your health journey - it’s simply impossible to follow a rigid plan that doesn't account for setbacks.

Thrive in 6 is different. I'm here to support you not just with what to do, but HOW to do it, because the biggest challenge lies in putting your healthy habits into action and maintaining consistency.

Whether you're facing psychological barriers like an all-or-nothing mindset, impatience, emotional eating or practical barriers such as childcare, work commitments, or social occasions, postpartum, menopause, I've got you covered.

Thrive in 6 creates a plan tailored to your circumstances. Don't have time to exercise three times a week? No problem. Let's figure out what you can do and work from there.

Living a healthy life shouldn't feel like a punishment. It's about compromise, not sacrifice. This isn't a short-term fix – it's a way of life.

Are you ready to thrive? Let's do this together!


  • Being a Mother is the BEST reason to take care of yourself.

100% Money back guarantee

I am so confident in the results Thrive in 6 will provide to your well-being, and know with the right mindset, an intent and a solution focused attitude you WILL be so glad you started this journey.

However, if for any reason, you're not completely satisfied with the program within the first 14 days, I will refund your investment in full – no questions asked - you literally have nothing to lose.


Sign up and invest in your health.

Next intake starts
MONDAY 3rd JUNE - Only 2 spots remaining

After signing up you will receive a email within 24 hours giving you all the information you need to get started, so keep a look out for it.

Still unsure if Thrive in 6 is for you or got a question? Drop me a message below I would be happy to help.