Personal Trainer in Perth and Online helping overwhelmed mums THRIVE with Fitness, Strength and Vitality.

I am so glad to have you here.

I’m guessing you are here because you have been putting your health on the back burner for far too long.
You are currently feeling tired, lethargic, flat, uncomfortable in your body, unhappy with your reflection?

You are getting ZERO time for yourself - you’re not exercising, your eating habits aren’t fuelling you optimally or helping any fat loss goals. All of this is leaving you snappy, short-tempered and stressed with your loved ones?

You know it is time to make a change, you want to be a good role model for your kids.
And know deep down you have to
start prioritising your needs again?

Yes? Well, if that sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!

I’m Amy, A qualified Personal Trainer and Health Coach based in Perth with two young children.

I understand how you feel because I have been there.  The exhaustion, the overwhelm, the constant juggle of spinning plates, trying to keep everyone else looked after, YET, always at the expense of YOUR health.

Imagine feeling like you have the energy to keep up with your kids, the confidence to wear a swimsuit with the kids, and the mental capacity to be at peace with food and actually enjoy life without worrying about the next diet.

Forget about restrictive diets and intense workouts that you can't keep up with. Together we are going to find a way that makes caring for your health and wellbeing fit seamlessly into your busy life.

Providing a simplified method to feel your best, that has not only worked for me, but so many other mums I have worked with. No more beating yourself up, punishing yourself, Instead taking a compassionate, flexible approach so that you can care for your health within the chaotic, unpredictable nature of motherhood.

No longer punishing and restricting yourself, but learning to care for yourself from a place of
NOURISHMENT, role modelling to your kids a healthy approach to health, fitness and food, and doing so in a way that saves you time, energy, stress.


Constantly rushing around, neglecting your own health

Feeling physically & emotionally exhausted

Finding yourself feeling resentful because you never get the time for yourself

You don’t feel comfortable in your clothes

Stress and short-tempered moments have become all too common

Mind is constantly racing, struggle to be fully present in the moment

Aches and pains have become a regular occurrence, making you feel older

Self-care feels like a distant memory

Building new habits into your life consistently is a challenge

Deep down, you know it’s time to start looking after your well-being again

This is not another exercise or diet plan to follow for 12 weeks.

Here we focus on SIMPLE, SUSTAINABLE changes that allow you to THRIVE in motherhood.

No more putting your health last.

It’s time to give yourself and your family the BEST version of you.

  • Jeannie, Mum of 1

    I started working with her to try and start exercising regularly and to feel better about myself. As it turned out I then went through a tough period of my life but Amy was so kind, non-judgemental and supportive and I still managed to achieve my goals almost every week.

    As a result, I am happier, fitter, kinder to myself and a better mum, partner and friend. Thank you, Amy!

  • Cara, Mum of 1

    I started 1:1 training with Amy at the start of the year - I wanted to do PT to get back in shape after having my first baby the previous year. I needed to loose weight and strengthen my body again! I was lacking motivation and drive to do this by myself!

    I cannot thank Amy enough for the help she provided me!

    I would highly recommend Amy to anyone wanting to get back into exercise after having a baby!

  • Emma, Mum of 2

    I’ve been working with her for about 6 months now, first with one of her packages and now with weekly PT sessions. Her walk and talk coaching calls are amazing to help you change your mindset and make small achievable changes that really add up to huge changes over just a few months.

  • Laura

    Amy really has been wonderful to work with on my health and fitness journey.

    She is super approachable and always available to help when I need extra guidance, keeping me on track when I have my wobbles. Her regular emails and posts on instagram never fail to inspire me and remind me of what I can do and why I am doing it.

  • Jana, Mum of 2

    Amy is an absolute gem. I have been training with her now for just over 2 years and have never felt fitter. Amy has a way of ensuring you reach your goals without you even noticing. She is also amazing at keeping you on track when exercising is the last thing you want to do. I would recommend Amy to anyone wanting to improve their eating habits, lose a few kilos or more or just to work on your general fitness.

  • Karen, Mum of 2

    I really enjoy your style of coaching, gentle but consistent & encouraging.

    I feel lots better since working together. I have more energy, I am sleeping better and mentally feel much more positive in my life.

  • Amy, Mum of 2

    I can highly recommend Amy as a fantastic coach & Personal Trainer. She is motivating, easy to talk to and has really encouraged me to reach my fitness goals after having my two boys. As someone who doesn’t like exercise, I look forward to my sessions with Amy every week

More than just a Personal Trainer.

REAL RESULTS come from - 10% teaching you what to do, and 90% SUPPORTING you to actually do It.

The problem isn’t that you need to know more, or cut out more food from your diet, or even that you need to start exercising more and more.

The problem is that you can’t implement change CONSISTENTLY and you struggle to stay on track when obstacles arise, And let’s face it obstacles can pretty much arrive on a daily basis in motherhood!

You need Support, Guidance and Accountability - this is where I come in.

Get to know me more?
Grab a cuppa, Let’s chat.